Consumer Reviews of Gutter Shut gutter guards
100% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2010-12-15
Location: York, PA.
Satisfaction Rating:
"In my opinion Gutter Shut gutter guards are among the best on the market."
In my opinion Gutter Shut gutter guards are among the best on the market. I only say this because I truly believe that they beat all the other gutter guards out there. To start out I have used Gutter Shut now for about a year or so and have been more than happy with there gutter protection systems. The main reason that I am so satisfied with their products is that I was able to order it online and install it myself which helped me save a lot of money. Now a days who doesn't like to save money? The only thing that I would have to say about Gutter Shut that is not positive is that I had to wait for them to deliver it all to me rather than going to the store and buying the products right there and then, even though it was a short delivery time. So far since I have installed the gutter protection I have been lucky not to have to do any repairs or replacements. I think because it is a very good product to begin with. If I had to do it all over again and needed gutter protection I would defiantly buy Gutter Shut again. I would also, and have, recommended Gutter Shut to all of my family and friends that were in the need of this type of products